Student Testimonials

“I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for enabling people from other countries and continents to get to know God and His Word.”  Szymon, Poland

“This is the first of its kind to see free online Bible school where lecturers take time to research deep into the scriptures and rightly divide the Word for clarity. I am very grateful for this opportunity, and I have already recommended it for many of my fellow pastors.”  Damian, Ghana

“I am a 43-year-old pastor from Scotland that has been unable to obtain a Bachelor degree, until now, because our Bible Colleges are run by secular institutions that teach contrary to the Word of God resulting in many ministry candidates leaving university deceived, disillusioned and confused.” Marshall, Scotland

“GBBC is teaching me Biblical doctrines rightly. I continue to discard erroneous teaching I got 10 years ago.”  John, Uganda

“I would like to express my sincere gratitude to GBBC in giving international students a free Bible education.”  Amos, Uganda

“The teachings at GBBC have challenged me so much. There have been topics that I was very much against but on investigating the issues further, I have on many occasions found out that your teachings are correct.” Justus, Kenya

“GBBC’s commitment to biblical teachings resonates with my desire to live a life based on scriptural principles.” John, Singapore

“It is because of your teachings that I have become a true Christian. I am now eager to grow more in my faith.”  Aevan, Philippines

“These courses are really shaping me by filling in the gaps in my Christian life.”  Craston, Netherlands

“This Bible college is excellent. I have decided to become a missionary once I complete this course and am ready to work in any country.”  Daniel, Zambia

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